Code of Conduct

Applicable to CTCC Executive Board, Advisory Board and Friends of CTCC Members

As a CTCC member participating in any scheduled meeting, fundraiser, volunteer or social activity, you are considered a public figure responsible for representing yourself and CTCC in the most positive way. Your behavior and actions must be exemplary at all times and befitting the expectations of your peers in this organization and its history, our community partners and those whom we represent and serve.

Once you begin to participate with CTCC, you are expected to uphold this conduct code until such time that you are no longer a member. Members are subject to the standards and conduct embodied in the following of all State and Federal Civil and Criminal Laws. Failure to maintain such standards and conduct may result in revocation of membership.

CTCC aims to provide recreational activities for members of the community. These activities should be conducted in a manner that represents the best interest of CTCC, while minimizing risk and ensuring participant safety. Any conduct that interferes with these goals will result in conduct action for individual(s) and/or club(s) involved.

Examples of Code of Conduct violations include, but are not limited to, the following:


  • Intentionally engaging in, inciting or initiating oneself, participants and/or spectators to engage in abusive or violent behavior - verbal or physical
  • Use of obscene gestures, profanity, or disrespectful language
  • Purposeful insult, disrespect, or threat to any participant, official, staff, spectator, or other to any extent while representing CTCC
  • Illegal use of drugs or misuse of alcohol while representing CTCC
  • Jeopardizing the health and wellbeing of staff and other participants

Facilities/Equipment Policies

  • Intentionally disregarding existing Facilities Policies in place at locations being reserved or rented by CTCC; or at a location where CTCC is conducting business or fundraising
  • Destroying or defacing any property
  • Failure to properly maintain any equipment or field space reserved or rented by CTCC or partner

Financial Infraction

  • Inappropriately using or managing club money/negative account balances
  • Agreeing to expenditures or opening accounts on behalf of CTCC without Executive Board approval

Violation of Criminal Law

When a Member has engaged in conduct based on criminal law, whether that conduct constitutes a petty misdemeanor, misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, felony, or any other class of criminal conduct, it should be reported immediately to a member of the CTCC Executive or Advisory Board.

Members who are arrested or charged with violating the criminal law will be placed on suspension from involvement in all club activity pending the review of the criminal justice system. If the alleged violation of the law would constitute a misdemeanor violation, the Executive Board has the authority to sustain or lift the suspension depending on the severity of the situation. In all cases in which a member is arrested or charged with illegal use of alcohol, drugs, or sexual misconduct or violence, the member will be immediately suspended and only the Executive Board may lift the suspension. There is not a specific order for disciplinary action, so a member does not have to receive a warning before they can be suspended or removed as a member. Conviction of a felony during a membership period will result in automatic revocation of membership.

Any of the following sanctions may potentially occur as a result of member misconduct:

  • Suspension of an individual or club from club activity and events
  • Responsible for paying for repair or replacement of lost or damaged equipment or property
  • Removal of individual membership
  • Notification and referral of case local Police Department

Underage Drinking

Membership includes both individuals and family memberships, which could include individuals who are not of legal drinking age. It is the expectation of CTCC that all members comply with the legal drinking age at any event or activity sponsored by CTCC. If a member or legal guardian of an underage family member willfully fails to comply with the legal drinking age at any activity or event, the Executive Board will suspend membership for those involved and/or responsible. Repeated offenses will result in revocation of membership.

CTCC Logos

The CTCC Logos are the property of Cleveland Touchdown Club Charities. Any use or reproduction of the logos without express written consent of the Executive Board is prohibited.

Misuse of Social Media and Improper Communications

CTCC has an active website and social media account as do the majority of its members. It is the expectation that all media communication related to CTCC will represent yourself and CTCC in the most positive way. The CTCC specific sites are not available for derogatory statements, personal advertising or soliciting for causes unrelated to the mission of CTCC. Violations will be addressed individually. Repeated violations will result in suspension and/or revocation of membership.